Thoughts of the day
If the amount of content and information that exists in the world is increasing exponentially, especially considering that every new piece of information or content might trigger the creation of multiple others (consider a book that then receives numerous reviews, a quote in an article that inspires dozens of others to write), then catching up with everything that is out there is not the answer.
Beyond the realm of work, I have lately been thinking about how one chooses what to consume, and how to spend the very little time that is available to them. The answer may be as simple as following your interest. This is not the same as following your passion in your career path, but following your curiosity.
Following one’s curiosity can be found in saving a quote that resonates, or spending some time to consider what it was about a specific film or book, or even a specific character, that spoke to us, or noticing what puts you in the flow. Some call it ‘the muse.’
It is often said to ‘Have faith in the process,’ but what if the process is also within us:
“What that taught me is, the subconscious was guiding me. It guided me through that quote. From then on in, I figured that must be one of the ways to subconscious communicates. Whenever I had a quote that really hit me, I wrote it down”
— Arnold Van Den Berg
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