Thoughts of the day
One of the most powerful things about art, and about sharing one’s work with others, is how it can nudge someone else, even unknowingly, to change their lives.
David Hockney, potentially the most famous living British painter, came across Richard Diebenkorn’s paintings while still in college. Hockney had grown up and lived in Yorkshire, and then moved to London to attend the Royal College of Art. Diebenkorn had lived in San Francisco since he was two. When he saw Diebenkorn’s work, Hockney said he was painting under a different light.
He then left the gloominess of 60s London and started regularly going to LA, until he eventually moved there in the late 70s, in search of that light he wanted to paint under.
It is not necessarily what we see, but how it is illuminated, that can change our perception and open up our minds to new experiences and ideas.
Perhaps, from time to time, we should all try and go where we see the light differently.
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