Thoughts of the day
Wisdom can be found in modern minds, too. After all, should we wait for a work to be deemed a ‘classic’ before we truly appreciate its contents (and, similarly, should we wait until we are old enough to reach for specific goals)?
A theme that I keep returning to, but that also keeps returning to me, is that of compounding small actions. Julie Zhuo was Facebook’s first intern. At 25, she became a manager, and rose to the position of Vice President of Product Design. In her book The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You, she writes:
“Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. Every big dream is the culmination of thousands of tiny steps forward.”
That is why the act of looking back is important. Those tiny steps can seem insignificant when looked at in isolation, but taking the time to look back at where we were six months, or one year ago, can reveal leaps.
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