Thoughts of the day
Good morning, and happy Friday.
It has been a less than perfect year, and another less than perfect week is drawing to a close.
We have spent enough time in our homes to notice their imperfections. We have repeatedly had to confront the imperfections of our cooking, and our personalities, having had to spend more time than usual alone with ourselves. Milestones have been celebrated in less than perfect ways. It will not be a perfect festive season, as some of us spend it with our less than perfect families, in less than perfect circumstances, while we expect a less than perfect vaccine (statistically speaking) to save the day.
All in all, these are frustrating thoughts, yet imperfection should not be perceived as a defect. Being human is to be a fundamentally flawed part of an imperfect world. As long as we do not turn a blind eye to these flaws, we can become more tolerant of ourselves, more forgiving with others, and, on a more existential plane, more grateful for our imperfect lives.
“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist... Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”
― Stephen Hawking
In a less than perfect year, one of the greatest lessons that we have learned is that good enough might simply do, as long as we stop being so hard on ourselves, and each other.
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