Thoughts of the day
The morning after always starts from the night before.
A successful morning routine never starts the moment one leaves their bed. Often, the day is decided by small actions taken from the previous night: what time we go to bed in the first place, what we let occupy our minds, what we let occupy our time.
Chefs know this well. Anthony Bourdain, in Kitchen Confidential, wrote, “Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance, as they say in the army - and I always, always want to be ready. Just like Bigfoot.”
Swedish director Ingmar Bergman captured the bittersweet act of filmmaking in a single line: “Do you know what moviemaking is? Eight hours of hard work each day to get three minutes of film”. Bergman still made time in the evenings to read or watch a film.
Symbolically, the choices we make now will affect the options we have later. We are always living in the dark, spending our lives in a perpetual night, preparing for the next dawn. And, though we can never be fully ready for what life throws our way, some time to prepare, or even to unwind, is never wasted.
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