Daily Brain Food.
Thoughts of the day
I assume that you are reading this from the comfort of your own home, where you have been asked to limit yourself to for at least the next few weeks.
As all plans have gone out the window, there is only one thing we can do: take it all as it comes, one day at a time.
From Meet the Composer, ‘a road trip to unravel the creative process of those composers who write without a score’:
“The world may end. You’re right. But that’s not a reason to be scared. None of us know what will happen. Don’t spend time worrying about it. Make the most beautiful thing you can. Try to do that every day. That’s it. You know? What are you working for, posterity? We don’t know if there is any posterity.”
—Laurie Anderson
A great approach to take, both when things are going well, and when they are not going so well.