Daily Brain Food.
Thoughts of the day
Women’s day is this Sunday, which I hope you all plan on celebrating accordingly, and that you have the freedom to do so.
Comic relief: in some places in the world that shall remain unnamed, it is still deemed respectable to receive 'Women’s day specials’ marketing for discounted cosmetic procedures.
Though what it means to be a woman, or any gender, has become more fluid than ever, and not necessarily something related to a person’s physical characteristics, I believe the eternal definition of a woman is that of someone who deeply cares, selflessly and endlessly.
From Deborah Levy’s wonderful The Cost of Living:
“It requires skill, time, dedication and empathy to create a home that everyone enjoys and functions well. Above all else, it is an act of immense generosity to be the architect of everyone else’s well-being.”
There should be a bit of a woman in everyone.