Daily Brain Food.
I have been debating whether I should specifically and explicitly write about Coronavirus in Brain Food, but have decided against it, though inevitably the odd post will appear. At a time when the whole world seems to have no headspace to consider anything else, it made more sense to use Brain Food as a platform to offer a means of escapism, or at least of learning to view the current situation in a constructive way.
Thoughts of the day
Today, we look at a blend of the old and the new.
I recently discovered Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov. His work consists of unusual collages, blending nude figures from classical paintings with modern backdrops.
The series, called “Daily Life of Gods”, doesn’t take itself too seriously. And that is perfectly fine, even necessary nowadays. But the juxtaposition of the work of the masters with trashy, everyday snapshots, also makes one wonder how the outcasts of the world today still blend in, and how the human condition, whether sitting in a bar or a forest, remains eternally unchanged.
For all those who look forward to getting lost in the next embrace, the next dance.